Tag Archive for: Program

How to get CSR funding for your NGO? – PART 1

We have seen in last blog here (How to get CSR Funding for NGO?) , what NGO should not do to get CSR funds. Let us see now what NGO should do to get CSR funding. How your should prepared your NGO for CSR funding. One of the important aspect is how effectively your NGO implement the given project i.e. Program Quality.

Program Quality

Obviously, as a Chartered Accountant, I can not suggest about how to implement program effectively, but yes, I can suggest on how to maintain documents in such a manner, so that it can easily draw an idea about NGO working.

Past and Current Programs

Programs, which are completed in last five years should have been documented properly. There has to be proper file for each program containing all the documents starting from agreement, budget, all financial utilization certificates, quarterly reports, photographs and note on impact of the program. I suggest to have a “Program Closure Card”, a brief summary of Program. Please see below example.

This is illustration how Program Closure Card look

This is illustration how Program Closure Card look


Future Program

Every company ask full project plan for which you need CSR fund. Thus, NGO should have keep ready such kind of different project plans – mainly divided in two parts, short term plans and long term plans. Many CSR companies even provide funding for ongoing project or contribute in Long Term Project Plan of NGO.

Coming Soon – How to get CSR funding for your NGO? – PART 3